List of Foreign Embassies in Slovenia provides a full list of foreign embassies and consulates located in Slovenia in alphabetical order. If you plan to travel from Slovenia to other countries, this information can help you prepare your visit, including applying visa and packing your baggage. See the following list of diplomatic missions in Slovenia for detailed contact information including city location, street address, and phone/fax number.
Embassy of Australia
City: Ljubljana
Address: Australian Consulate, Ljubljana, Slovenia – Trg republike 3/XII, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia
Telephone: 386 1 425 4252
Fax: 386 1 426 4721
Embassy of Austria
City: Bratislava
Address: 謘terreichische Botschaft Vent鷕ska 10 811 01 Bratislava
Telephone: 00421 (2) 5930 15 00
Fax: 00421 (2) 5443 2486
Embassy of Germany
City: Ljubljana
Address: PRE奅RNOVA CESTA 27 1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: (01) 251 61 66
Fax: (01) 425 42 10
Embassy of Greece
City: Ljubljana
Address: Trnovski pristan 14 Ljubljana
Telephone: 01 420 14 00
Fax: 01 281 11 14
Embassy of Poland
City: Ljubljana
Address: Ambasada Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Lublanie Be瀒grad 10, 1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: +386 1 436-47-12
Fax: +386 1 436-25-21
Embassy of Russia
City: Ljubljana
Address: TOM奍CEVA ULICA 9 1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: (01) 425 68 75 (01) 425 68 80 (01) 425 41 41
Embassy of United Kingdom
City: Ljubljana
Address: British Embassy 4th floor Trg Republike 31000 Ljubljana
Telephone: +386 1 200 3910
Fax: +386 1 425 0174