List of Foreign Embassies in Kenya provides a full list of foreign embassies and consulates located in Kenya in alphabetical order. If you plan to travel from Kenya to other countries, this information can help you prepare your visit, including applying visa and packing your baggage. See the following list of diplomatic missions in Kenya for detailed contact information including city location, street address, and phone/fax number.

Foreign Embassies and Consulates in Kenya

Embassy of Argentina
City: Nairobi
Address: P.O. Box 30283 City: Nairobi
Telephone: 254 2 33 5242 or 33 9949
Fax: 254 2 21 7693

Embassy of Australia
City: Nairobi
Address: Australian High Commission Riverside Drive, Nairobi , Kenya ( PO Box 39341, Nairobi)
Telephone: 254 20 444 5034-9
Fax: 254 20 444 4718

Embassy of Australia
City: Nairobi
Address: Riverside Drive (400 mtrs off Chiromo Rd) P.O Box 39341, Nairobi
Telephone: 445034, 444557
Fax: 444617

Embassy of Bangladesh
City: Nairobi
Address: Ole Odume Str. P.O. Box 41645 City: Nairobi
Telephone: +254 2 562 815
Fax: 562 817

Embassy of Belgium
City: Mombasa
Address: Honorary Consulate of Belgium C.M.B. Mombasa c/o Cotts House Moi avenue, Mombasa (Mailing: P.O. Box 90141, Mombasa, Kenya)
Telephone: 22.02.31, 31.45.31
Fax: 31.26.17

Embassy of Belgium
City: Nairobi
Address: Limuru Road, Mutha飃a, Nairobi (P.O. Box 30.461 Nairobi)
Telephone: 74.15.64, 74.15.65, 74.15.66, 74.15.67
Fax: 44.27.01

Embassy of Canada
City: Nairobi
Address: Canadian High Commission Limuru Road, Gigiri P.O. Box 1013 00621-Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: (254-20) 366 3000
Fax: (254-20) 366 3900

Embassy of Canada
City: Nairobi
Address: Comcraft House, Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi
Telephone: 214804
Fax: 226987

Embassy of Colombia
City: Nairobi
Address: International House 8th Floor Mama Ngina Street City: Nairobi
Telephone: 009 254 2 246770
Fax: 009 254 2 246772

Embassy of Congo
City: Nairobi
Address: Botschaft, 2nd floor, City House, Corner Wabera Street/ Standard Street City: Nairobi
Telephone: (+254 / 2) 24 73 65
Fax: (+254 / 2) 33 17 92

Embassy of Czech Republic
City: Nairobi
Address: Embassy of the Czech Republic in Kenya, Jumuia Place, Lenana Road, P.O. Box 48785, 00100 Nairobi, Republic of Kenya
Telephone: +254-20-273 1010, +254-20-273 1011, +254-20-273 1012
Fax: +254-20-273 1013

Embassy of Denmark
City: Nairobi
Address: HFCK Building, 11th floor, Kenyatta Avenue/Koinange Street, P.O.Box 40412, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: (2)331088
Fax: (2) 331492

Embassy of Denmark
City: Mombasa
Address: Royal Danish Consulate Liwatoni Bay, P.O.Box 99543, Mombasa
Telephone: 229241/2/3
Fax: 315673

Embassy of Eritrea
City: Nairobi
Address: P.O. Box 38651 2nd Floor, New Rehema House Raphta Road, Westlands City: Nairobi
Telephone: +254-2-443164
Fax: +254-2-443165

Embassy of Ethiopia
City: Nairobi
Address: State House Avenue P.O. Box: 45198 City: Nairobi
Telephone: 002542 – 723035 or 723053 or 723027
Fax: 002542 – 723401

Embassy of Finland
City: Nairobi
Address: International House 2nd floor Mama Ngina Street P.O. Box 30379 City: Nairobi
Telephone: + 254 2 334 777/8
Fax: + 254 2 335 98

Embassy of France
City: Nairobi
Address: Barclays Plaza Building – 9th floor – P.O.Box 41784 NAIROBI
Telephone: (254) 20 31 63 63
Fax: (254) 20 21 70 13

Embassy of France
City: Nairobi
Address: Barclays Plaza (9th floor) – Loita street – P.O. box 41784
Telephone: 21 48 48, 33 97 83/84
Fax: 21 70 13

Embassy of France
City: Mombasa
Address: French Consulate c/o Notco Shipping Division Changamwe Roundabout – P.O Box 90262
Telephone: 43 52 61 (ou 62)
Fax: 43 52 63

Embassy of Germany
City: Nairobi
Address: Williamson House 4th Ngong Avenue Nairobi City: Nairobi
Telephone: 254 2 271 25 27
Fax: 254 2 271 48 86

Embassy of Greece
City: Nairobi
Address: Nation Tower 13th Floor Kimathi Str. P.O.Box 30543 City: Nairobi
Telephone: (002542) 340722 or 340744 or 228473
Fax: 216044

Embassy of Italy
City: Nairobi

Embassy of Japan
City: Nairobi
Address: Mara Road, Upper hill Nairobi – Kenya P.O. Box 60202 Nairobi 00200, Kenya
Telephone: +254-20-2898-000
Fax: +254-20-2898-531

Embassy of Japan
City: Nairobi
Address: 15F.ICEA Building Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya (P.O.Box 60202, Nairobi)
Telephone: 332955-9
Fax: 216530

Embassy of Malawi
City: Nairobi
Address: Westlands, off Waiyaki Way P.O. Box 30453
Telephone: +(254) 2 440 569
Fax: +(254) 2 440 568

Embassy of Netherlands/Holland
City: Nairobi
Address: P.O. Box 41537 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 20 42 88 000
Fax: +254 20 44 47 416

Embassy of Norway
City: Nairobi
Address: Royal Norwegian Embassy, P.O.Box 46363-00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: +254 20 4451510-6
Fax: + 254 20 4451517

Embassy of Philippines
City: Nairobi
Address: State House Road P.O. Box 47941 City: Nairobi
Telephone: (254-2) 721-791
Fax: 00-2542-725-897

Embassy of Romania
City: Nairobi
Address: Gardenia Road-Gigiri or P.O. Box 63240 Nairobi 00619 Kenya City: Nairobi
Telephone: (00) (254) (20) 7123109 or 7120607
Fax: (00) (254) (20) 7122061

Embassy of Thailand
City: Nairobi
Address: Rose Avenue, off Denis Pritt Rd, P.O. Box 58349-00200 Nairobi
Telephone: (254-20) 271-5800, 271-5796, 271-5243, 271-4276
Fax: (254-20) 271-5801, 271-5802

Embassy of Thailand
City: Nairobi
Address: Rose Avenue, off Denis Pritt Rd, P.O. Box 58349, Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: 715800, 715276, 715802, 715796
Fax: 715801

Embassy of United Kingdom
City: Nairobi
Address: Upper Hill Road Nairobi P.O. Box 30465 (Commercial Dept: P.O Box 30133)
Telephone: 714699
Fax: 719082, 719942, 714760

Embassy of United States of America
City: Nairobi
Address: United Nations Avenue Nairobi P. O. Box 606 Village Market 00621 Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: 3.636e+006

Embassy of United States of America
City: Nairobi
Address: United States Information Service Nairobi, Barclays Plaza – Loita Street P.O. Box 30143, Nairobi
Telephone: 240290
Fax: 216511