Cities and Towns in Hampshire County, Massachusetts

Founded in 1662, Hampshire County is one of 14 counties in the state of Massachusetts. Historically, Hampshire County was formed from unorganized territory in the western part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Government abolished 1999. The city of Northampton is the county seat. With FIPS code of 15, Hampshire County has a population of 161,572 and area of 529 square miles (1,370 km²).

List of all cities in Hampshire County, MA alphabetically

City/Town Postal Code Area Code
Amherst, MA 01002 413
01003 413
01004 413
01059 413
Bay State Village, MA 01062 413
Belchertown, MA 01007 413
Chesterfield, MA 01012 413
Crescent Mills, MA 01050 413
Cummington, MA 01026 413
Cushman, MA 01002 413
East Hampton, MA 01027 413
Florence, MA 01062 413
Goshen, MA 01032 413
Granby, MA 01033 413
Hadley, MA 01035 413
Hatfield, MA 01038 413
Haydenville, MA 01039 413
Hntgtn, MA 01050 413
Huntington, MA 01050 413
Knightville, MA 01050 413
Leeds, MA 01053 413
Lithia, MA 01032 413
Loudville, MA 01027 413
Middlefield, MA 01243 413
Montgomery, MA 01050 413
Mount Tom, MA 01027 413
North Amherst, MA 01059 413
North Chester, MA 01050 413
North Hadley, MA 01035 413
North Hampton, MA 01060 413
01061 413
01062 413
01063 413
North Hatfield, MA 01066 413
Northampton, MA 01060 413
01061 413
01062 413
01063 413
Pelham, MA 01002 413
Plainfield, MA 01070 413
Smith College, MA 01063 413
South Amherst, MA 01002 413
South Chesterfield, MA 01096 413
South Hadley, MA 01075 413
South Hadley Falls, MA 01075 413
South Worthington, MA 01050 413
Southampton, MA 01073 413
Ware, MA 01082 413
West Chesterfield, MA 01084 413
West Cummington, MA 01026 413
West Hatfield, MA 01038 413
01088 413
West Whately, MA 01039 413
Westhampton, MA 01027 413
Williamsburg, MA 01096 413
Worthington, MA 01098 413