Category: Guide to New York

New York – This state, which has a population of 18 million, got its name from the English Count York, a brother of King Charles II, and is the 11th of the 13 original states of the Union. The area was explored by Henry Hudson in 1609, after whom the river bears his name. Samuel de Champlain also explored the northeast of this state (Lake Champlain). The first settlements were built by the Dutch near Albany in 1614 and 1624. The Manhattan Peninsula was acquired by the Dutch in 1626, from the Indians living there. The “Empire State” as it is called was the scene of bloody battles during the War of Independence 1775 – 1783. After the war ended, the English troops quickly withdrew from New York City, which became the first capital of the USA in 1789. New York is one of the most attractive travel destinations in the USA. In the northwest of the state are the famous Niagara Falls, some of which are on the Canadian side. The capital is Albany. Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt and “Moby Dick” author Herman Melville are the best-known personalities of this state.