Cities and Towns in Huntington County, Indiana

Founded on Feb 2, 1832, Huntington County is one of 92 counties in the state of Indiana. Historically, Huntington County was formed from Adams New Purchase and un-organized area. The city of Huntington is the county seat. With FIPS code of 69, Huntington County has a population of 36,717 and area of 383 square miles (992 km²).

List of all cities in Huntington County, IN alphabetically

City/Town Postal Code Area Code
Andrews, IN 46702 260
Bippus, IN 46713 260
Bowerstown, IN 46750 260
Bracken, IN 46750 260
Buckeye, IN 46792 260
Dillman, IN 46792 260
Goblesville, IN 46750 260
Huntington, IN 46750 260
Mahon, IN 46750 260
Majenica, IN 46750 260
Methodist Memorial Home, IN 46792 260
Mount Etna, IN 46750 260
Mount Zion, IN 46792 260
Pleasant Plain, IN 46792 260
Plum Tree, IN 46792 260
Roanoke, IN 46783 260
Salamonie, IN 46792 260
Simpson, IN 46750 260
Toledo, IN 46750 260
Warren, IN 46792 260