Finland Population

Finland Population

Finland’s location has its mark on Finnish history and culture. The country is often described as the Nordic bridge between east and west.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Helsinki
  • Ethnic groups: Found 93.4%, Swedes 5.6%, Russians 0.5%, Esters 0.3%, Room 0.1%, Sami 0.1% (2006)
  • Language: Finnish (official) 87.9%, Swedish (official) 5.2%, Russian 1.4%, other 5.5% (2017)
  • Religion: Protestants 70.9%, Greek Orthodox 1.1%, other 28% (2017)
  • Population: 5 523 000 (2017)
  • Control Form: Republic
  • Area: 338 420 Km2
  • Currency: euro
  • GNP per capita: 43 378 PPP $
  • National Day: December 6th

Population of Finland

Finland’s population consists of three main groups, each representing three different waves of colonization: the Finns, which make up over 93 percent of the people, the Finns, who live mostly in the south and west, and the Sami.

Finland Country Population

Population of Finland by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 5,540,609 0.150% 18.2326 116
2019 5,532,045 0.170% 18.2045 116
2018 5,522,465 0.200% 18.1729 116
2017 5,511,260 0.250% 18.1361 116
2016 5,497,602 0.300% 18.0911 116
2015 5,481,011 0.430% 18.0365 116
2010 5,365,671 0.400% 17.6570 114
2005 5,258,816 0.270% 17.3054 112
2000 5,187,843 0.270% 17.0718 108
1995 5,118,894 0.490% 16.8449 104
1990 4,996,111 0.340% 16.4409 102
1985 4,911,109 0.510% 16.1612 100
1980 4,788,132 0.290% 15.7565 97
1975 4,718,638 0.460% 15.5278 93
1970 4,612,255 0.190% 15.1777 87
1965 4,568,487 0.600% 15.0337 81
1960 4,434,479 0.910% 14.5928 78
1955 4,238,164 1.120% 13.9467 76
1950 4,008,183 0.000% 13.1899 76

Major Cities in Finland by Population

Rank City Population
1 Helsinki 558,346
2 Espoo 256,649
3 Tampere 202,576
4 Vantaa 189,947
5 Turku 175,834
6 Oulu 128,507
7 Lahti 98,715
8 Kuopio 88,993
9 Jyvaeskylae 84,915
10 Pori 76,661
11 Lappeenranta 59,165
12 Vaasa 56,903
13 Kotka 54,505
14 Joensuu 53,277
15 Haemeenlinna 47,150
16 Porvoo 47,081
17 Mikkeli 46,439
18 Hyvinge 43,404
19 Jaervenpaeae 38,037
20 Nurmijaervi 36,962
21 Rauma 36,439
22 Mellunkylae 36,249
23 Lohja 35,849
24 Vuosaari 35,715
25 Kokkola 35,475
26 Kajaani 35,264
27 Rovaniemi 34,670
28 Tuusula 34,614
29 Kirkkonummi 32,809
30 Seinaejoki 32,038
31 Kerava 31,236
32 Kouvola 31,022
33 Imatra 29,504
34 Nokia 28,565
35 Savonlinna 27,242
36 Kallio 26,940
37 Riihimaeki 26,340
38 Kaarela 26,303
39 Vihti 26,169
40 Salo 24,789
41 Kangasala 24,180
42 Raisio 23,486
43 Karhula 22,756
44 Kemi 22,530
45 Iisalmi 22,477
46 Varkaus 22,254
47 Raahe 22,106
48 Yloejaervi 22,029
49 Hamina 21,601
50 Kaarina 21,573
51 Tornio 21,125
52 Heinola 20,738
53 Hollola 20,294
54 Valkeakoski 20,265
55 Siilinjaervi 20,098
56 Lauttasaari 19,889
57 Sibbo 19,319
58 Jakobstad 19,127
59 Lempaeaelae 17,985
60 Maentsaelae 17,963
61 Forssa 17,741
62 Kuusamo 17,289
63 Munkkiniemi 17,223
64 Haukipudas 17,187
65 Korsholm 17,065
66 Laukaa 16,982
67 Anjala 16,668
68 Uusikaupunki 16,115
69 Janakkala 15,587
70 Pirkkala 15,504
71 Laensi-Turunmaa 15,387
72 Lovisa 15,355
73 Jaemsae 15,150
74 Lieto 15,147
75 Vammala 14,871
76 Nastola 14,800
77 Orimattila 14,492
78 Kauhajoki 14,415
79 Ekenaes 14,266
80 Kempele 14,182
81 Lapua 13,980
82 Lieksa 13,592
83 Naantali 13,496
84 AEaenekoski 13,295
85 Ylivieska 13,048
86 Kontiolahti 12,300
87 Kankaanpaeae 12,270
88 Ulvila 12,203
89 Pieksaemaeki 12,056
90 Kiiminki 11,958
91 Pargas 11,851
92 Nurmo 11,797
93 Ilmajoki 11,582
94 Liperi 11,275
95 Keuruu 10,831
96 Leppaevirta 10,825
97 Kurikka 10,517
98 Nivala 10,499
99 Joutseno 10,492
100 Pedersoere 10,325
101 Sotkamo 10,257
102 AElajaervi 10,197
103 Kuhmo 10,103
104 Paimio 10,015
105 Saarijaervi 9,900
106 Haemeenkyroe 9,885
107 Suomussalmi 9,863
108 Hanko 9,851
109 Somero 9,729
110 Kitee 9,666
111 Kiuruvesi 9,619
112 Oulunsalo 9,445
113 Pudasjaervi 9,348
114 Alavus 9,311
115 Halikko 9,233
116 Eura 9,227
117 Keminmaa 8,869
118 Huittinen 8,841
119 Sodankylae 8,831
120 Kemijaervi 8,772
121 Kalajoki 8,758
122 Karis 8,742
123 Orivesi 8,735
124 Muurame 8,715
125 Karkkila 8,700
126 Nurmes 8,693
127 Alajaervi 8,682
128 Elimaeki 8,640
129 Kauniainen 8,577
130 Jalasjaervi 8,551
131 Asikkala 8,429
132 Laitila 8,292
133 Kokemaeki 8,279
134 Toijala 8,189
135 Oulainen 8,189
136 Akaa 8,147
137 Muhos 8,121
138 Hausjaervi 8,040
139 Kauhava 7,785
140 Laihia 7,671
141 Loppi 7,657
142 Outokumpu 7,627
143 Haapavesi 7,606
144 Kristinestad 7,601
145 Virrat 7,596
146 Haapajaervi 7,516
147 Harjavalta 7,461
148 Suonenjoki 7,457
149 Viitasaari 7,400
150 Jaemsaenkoski 7,331
151 Lapinlahti 7,239
152 Nykarleby 7,227
153 Ikaalinen 7,198
154 Iitti 7,135
155 Parkano 7,102
156 Pyhaeselkae 7,099
157 Juva 7,054
158 Liminka 6,947
159 Inari 6,938
160 Eno 6,780
161 Maentyharju 6,760
162 AEhtaeri 6,724
163 Kronoby 6,702
164 Piikkioe 6,442
165 Ii 6,435
166 Tammela 6,408
167 Nilsiae 6,363
168 Maenttae 6,348
169 Ilomantsi 6,297
170 Mynaemaeki 6,160
171 Kangasniemi 6,100
172 Vuokatti 6,072
173 Pyhaejaervi 6,027
174 Pyhaejaervi 5,983
175 Teuva 5,981
176 Noormarkku 5,965
177 Juuka 5,924
178 Masku 5,863
179 Kannus 5,857
180 Kerimaeki 5,730
181 Pernioe 5,698
182 Nakkila 5,681
183 Ruokolahti 5,669
184 Kittilae 5,602
185 Eurajoki 5,545
186 Tyrnaevae 5,525
187 Lammi 5,523
188 Ylistaro 5,469
189 Jokioinen 5,457
190 Urjala 5,431
191 Joroinen 5,425
192 Pielavesi 5,410
193 Malax 5,406
194 Juankoski 5,403
195 Viiala 5,361
196 Vilppula 5,311
197 Suolahti 5,288
198 Hankasalmi 5,261
199 Ruovesi 5,203
200 Luumaeki 5,194
201 Sievi 5,170
202 Pohja 5,146
203 Siuntio 5,118
204 Inga 5,094
205 Ristiina 5,060
206 Ylitornio 4,993
207 Korpilahti 4,939
208 Isokyroe 4,929

Ethnic conditions

Most Sami people, who together make up less than 6,000 people, live in the north. Outside the northern areas most of the Sami live in Helsinki. Utsjoki is the only municipality with a Sami majority. Since 1992, Sami has had official language status in some municipalities in the north. Incidentally, many Sami have lost their mother tongue due to pressure from the larger community. See also the section below about languages ​​and the article about Sami.

It was previously believed that the Finno-Ugric groups originated from a common abode in central Russia. This is now considered less likely, as no past findings suggest a sudden immigration of a new tribe. Probably there was a gradual immigration of various tribes living in the areas around the Gulf of Finland.

The ethnic differences in the population are very small today, and when talking about groups of Sami, Tavastarians, Karelians and Finns from “the real Finland”, this is more to suggest a place of origin than to give expression to different cultural backgrounds.

The Swedish-speaking population has declined both absolutely and relatively. The decline is partly due to lower natural population growth and a large emigration to both Sweden and the US. The Swedish-speaking population lives mainly in the coastal area in the southwest and in Åland. See also Finns in Finland.

In addition to Finnish and Swedish, the largest groups of foreign native speakers are in descending order: Russian, Estonian, Arabic, Somali, English, Kurdish, Chinese, Persian, Albanian, Vietnamese, Thai, Spanish, Turkish, German and Polish.

Population trends

Historically, the population has shown a relatively rapid increase. It can be mentioned that in 1965 Finland had a population five times as large as when it was separated from Sweden in 1809. The rapid growth is partly due to the fact that emigration had not been as great as in Norway and Sweden, and that the birth surplus was also high. Emigration began in the 1870s and reached its greatest extent in 1901–1913. The emigrants came mostly from Österbotten and Åland.

Comparing the population in Sweden and Finland in the period 1880-1905, Sweden’s population increased by only 10%, while Finland had an increase of 40%. During the period 1905-1965, Sweden’s population increased by 46%, while Finland had an increase of 65%. In 2004, the population was 5, 2 million.

The birth rate has been declining since the 1880s, at first slowly, but by 1910 much faster. The birth rate increased somewhat immediately before and during the Second World War, but has since decreased; in 2004 it was 10.6 ‰. Mortality has also decreased over time, in 1936–1939 it was 13–15 ‰ and in 2004 9.7 ‰. Infant mortality is among the lowest in the world, 1.9 per 1,000 live births in 2015, but no further back than in 1938 it was 67.8 per 1,000. The average age of first-borns has increased from 28.1 years in 2007 to 29.1 years in 2016.

Average life expectancy has risen all the time, while the frequency of births has decreased, which has led to a significant change in population structure. The proportion below 15 years and over 60 years is almost equal. Life expectancy is 84.1 years for women and 78.4 years for men (2016).

Finland in numbers

Sort 1917 2016
Population 3 134 300 5 503 297
Life expectancy for men 43.4 78.4
Life expectancy for women 49.1 84.1
Most popular first names for men Eino Onni
Most popular first names for women Anna Sofia
Student Exams 1128 30 617
Married 20 004 24 464
divorces 368 13 541
Number of rooms per dwelling including kitchen 2.4 3.7
Number of people per household 5.3 2.0
Coffee consumption per person 1.7 kg 9.9 kg
Sugar consumption per person 7.1 kg 29.3 kg
Total number of cars 1754 3 957 153
Employees in agriculture and forestry 70.1% 4.1%
Employees in industry 11.5% 21.8%
Employees in service industry and management 10.9% 73.7%

Figures from Statistics Finland in Finland.

Settlement Pattern

Finland has a low population density (16.2 people per km²). The population density is greatest in the southwestern and middle parts of the country and in a strip north along the coast. Lapland, on the other hand, is very sparsely populated (two people per km²). Nevertheless, there has been a relatively strong population increase in the country’s northern parts. However, the migration to the north has completely slowed, while the flow to the urban areas, especially in the south, has increased in scope.

Urbanization started relatively late in Finland compared to the other Nordic countries, and the cities are relatively young. They are concentrated to the coast and to low lying areas.

The population of the largest municipalities in 2017

Municipal Census 2017
Helsinki 635 181
Espoo 274 583
Tammersfors 228 274
Vanda 219 341
Oulu 200 526
To live 187 604
Jyvaskyla 138 850
Lahti 119 452
Kuopio 117 740
Kouvola 85 306
Pori 85 059
Joensuu 75 848
Lappeenranta 72 872
Hämeenlinna 67 850
Vasa 67 620
Rovaniemi 62 231
Seinäjoki 62 052
St. Michel 54 517
Kotka 54 187
Salo 53 546
Porvoo 50 144
Kokkola 47 723
Lojo 47 149
Hyvinkää 46 596
Nurmijärvi 42 010
Järvenpää 41 529
Rauma 39 614
Kirkkonummi 39 033
Tuusula 38 588
Kajaani 37 521
Kerava 35 511
Savonlinna 35 242

Figures from Statistics Finland in Finland.