Eritrea Facts

Eritrea, state of northeastern Africa; 121,000 km², 3.2 million residents (2019).Eritrea borders Sudan in the northwest, Ethiopia in the southwest and Djibouti in the south, and has a coast to the Red Sea in the east. The capital is Asmera (712,000 residents, 2012).

Eritrea Country Flag

Country facts

  • State of Eritrea / Eritrea
  • Country abbreviation: ER
  • Area: 121 000 km²
  • Population (2019): 3.2 million residents
  • Capital: Asmera
  • Main languages: Tigrinese, Arabic, English
  • State: Republic
  • Head of State and Head of Government: Isaias Afwerki (President)
  • Per capita GDP (2014): US $ 755
  • GNI per capita (2014): US $ 680
  • Currency unit: 1 nakfa = 100 cents
  • Currency code: ERN
  • Country number (telephony): 291
  • Internet domain names: er
  • Time difference compared to Sweden: +2
  • National Day: May 24 (Independence Day, 1993)


  • Land use: forest (5%), agricultural land (3%), other (92%)
  • Highest mountain: Amba Soira (3,010 m asl)


  • Population density (2019): 26 residents per km²
  • Natural population growth (2019): 2.4%; birthrate 31 ‰, death count 7 ‰
  • Age structure (2019): 0-14 years (42%), 15-64 (54%), 65- (4%)
  • Life expectancy (2019): men 63 years, women 68 years
  • Infant mortality (2019): 36 per 1,000 live births
  • Population forecast 2050: 6 million residents
  • HDI (2017): 0.440 (place 179 of 189)
  • Urbanization rate (2019): 40%
  • Most populous cities (2012): Asmera (712,000 residents), Aseb (101,300)


  • Industry’s contribution to GDP (2017): agriculture (12%), industry (30%), service (58%)
  • Exports (2017): US $ 624 million
  • Main export products: minerals, livestock, sorghum, textiles
  • Main exporting countries: China, South Korea
  • Imports (2017): US $ 1,127 million
  • Main import products: machinery, oil, food
  • Main importing countries: United Arab Emirates, China, Saudi Arabia
  • Railway network (2018): 300 km

Eritrea in the middle parts consists of a ridge with north-south stretch. To the west, the altitude area of ​​the plateau-lowlands extends around the Baraka River, while a low, hot coastal plain extends east of the altitude area.

According to the constitution, the country has a president who can be elected for a maximum of two five-year terms. No general presidential election has been held. As the head of state, the president has great powers of power and appoints the prime minister and the Supreme Court judge. Eritrea, which became independent in 1993, is one of Africa’s and the world’s poorest countries.

The war against Ethiopia in 1998-2000 has devastated large parts of the country and the economy has completely collapsed. Agriculture is the basis of business, but most of the land and infrastructure are destroyed after the war. Combined with dry periods, this causes parts of the population to suffer from food shortages. The country has good natural resources, among other things. gold and nickel, but these are mined on a very small scale.

Eritrea Map

Eritrea Map